Ultra 7 Aftermath

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Ultra 7 Aftermath

Post by CrimelessRaver »

Unfortunetly my Ultra (3rd one) kinda sucked...
1st off I was determined to get there by no later than 1-2pm.... last year I didn't get there until 5pm and it sucked... half the fun of Ultra is going durring the day.. the vibe is so differnt.....
Anyway, I had to deal with all these other people's fucking drama and ended up not getting in to the park until like close to 6pm!!! Can u imagine spending that kinda money to miss half the fucking event?! Not to mention I missed almost everyone I wanted to see! Next year I'm going with just me and my boyfriend and that's it ... fuck everyone else's BS!
Anyway, I did manage to catch the tail end of Carl Cox... damn I love that guy so much! He never fails to amaze me! I saw the begging part of Junkie, but it wasn't as good as last years set... caught some Tenegluia, missed Crystal Method b/c I was at BT...would have much rather seen CM..... Got drug into the pit of Rabbit by Joe.... I though I was going to have some serious medical issuse and had to flee for my life.... It's not that I don't like Rabbit... it's just I can enjoy them from far away..... Next time Joe don't be so stuck up my butt (I mean that in the nicest way possible) .... u wanted to stay and watch Rabbit so you should have, we could have met back up... instead I kinda felt guilty the rest of the night for making u leave and I missed several acts I wanted to see b/c I knew u weren't into them.....
(Next time we'll have to communicate better!)
My boy did buy a really nice bowl and the guy even cut him a real deal b/c he saw how he couldn't even count his money! LOL I guess the guy didn't realize I was there watching out for him!
I was floored by the number of Miami PoPo in uniform this year. There are always lots of undercovers but u can spot them easily enough... I didn't really mind all the Uniformed Popo.... I think they were really there to show precense more than phuck with anyone... (I hope so anyway)... I did try to drop the passi out of my mouth whenever we walked past some though! EEP!
I felt that the vibe was a little different this year... in fact the only time I felt that Ultra-PLUR-tastic-Vibe I normally have was while I was at Carl Cox.... May have had more to do with me being frusterated and dissapointed for getting there so late though...
It was cool running into u at BT ErikdMunky... that outfilt was too hot! I wanted to get a pic of you to post, but u never danced in my direction! Next time I guess!
One thing that did manage to seriously perk me up besides the awesome Cox set and the sick sounds of the FSOB tent was the fact that I got in with my camel water back pack.... not to rub it in to all of u who got turned away, but I just lucked out... afterall that is the nature of Ultra it all depends which line u go thru...
Lucky for me my boyfrined is tall and could see one line moving very quickly... then he noticed 2 girls w/ backpacks get let thru that line so he garbbed me out of our line and dragged me over there..... I had my ID and ticket in hand and the MIAMI CITY COP just waved me thru... didn't even pat me down or ask to look in my bag!!! Can u fucking believe my luck? I guess it was karma's way of hitting me up after making me so late!

Next year I will be there at fucking opening damn it! See u there!
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Post by CrimelessRaver »

Um so am I the only person on this board who went to Ultra.... or am I the only person that can type straight yet??? C'mon ppl.... WTF?
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Post by Angie »

heh, yeah, it's still taking me a little while to write much on enation. Ultra was the shit though. I had fun every minute. We got there at 1 and left around 11ish. I was in trance heaven almost the whole time. Too many good things to write about. I'll contribute more later. :)
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Post by Pixieleaf »

I personally thought that Ultra sucked -- and I hesitate to say that, only b/c I know alot of ppl that helped put it on - -

it wasn't them that made it suck - - it was me getting completely trashed the night before and not having any energy to do anything the day of!! Poor Dena was trying like hell to cheer me up, but there was no synapses firing to make this happen!! sorry Dena :(

I have decided that I'm not going to go to another Ultra !
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Post by Capt-Sue »

I am glad that I made it to Ultra as late as I did because I was too fucked up. If I was there from the beginning I probably would have ended up in the hospital since I did not get any sleep from the night before from partying. I got to hear a few dj's but did not catch their names. The only ones I remember is Moby, RITM, and Crystal Method. I did not enjoy Moby at all. I loved RITM and Crystal Method's set. CM did mess up a few times but that is because they were bumping into the tables and tripping over wires. haha! I was in the very front. That was a lot of fun! I can not wait to see me and Derek in the Ultra video!
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Post by Stardust »

Pixieleaf wrote:I personally thought that Ultra sucked -- and I hesitate to say that, only b/c I know alot of ppl that helped put it on - -

it wasn't them that made it suck - - it was me getting completely trashed the night before and not having any energy to do anything the day of!! Poor Dena was trying like hell to cheer me up, but there was no synapses firing to make this happen!! sorry Dena :(

I have decided that I'm not going to go to another Ultra !
hahahahaha awwww carolyn! I <3 ya! It was all good i had a blast as usual but thats b.c my ass dosent know how to sit still for longer then 5 min... see ADD works for you at times, i.e. ultra...got to hear everyone i wanted except teebee... but roni size, layo & bushwacka, timo maas, carl cox, fabio, grooverider, craze.... i was mos def happy....
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Post by CrimelessRaver »

I love the fact that they always leave the old posts about WMC in this forum so u can go back and look at the posts and parties, etc. from previous years. Last year I started the Ultra 6 the Aftermath thread...this year the name stayed the same except for the number and now I've realized that I must contiune this tradition, that I unconsciously started...
Myles Hie
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Re: Ultra 7 Aftermath

Post by Myles Hie »

CrimelessRaver wrote:My boy did buy a really nice bowl

I was floored by the number of Miami PoPo in uniform this year. There are always lots of undercovers but u can spot them easily enough...

... I did try to drop the passi out of my mouth whenever we walked past some though! EEP!
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Re: Ultra 7 Aftermath

Post by CB4 »

CrimelessRaver wrote:I think they were really there to show precense more than phuck with anyone... (I hope so anyway)...
play with fire and get burned, simple as that...

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Post by CrimelessRaver »

damn ya'll what u trying to say? I know that if I play w/ some illeagal shiz then I'm phucked, but it's all in good fun right? Besides I'm probably one of the nicest ppl I know, so they'd have 2 bring me in on charges of PLUR overlaod!! WOOOT!!!
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Post by CB4 »

CrimelessRaver wrote:damn ya'll what u trying to say? I know that if I play w/ some illeagal shiz then I'm phucked

good, glad you realize it's nothing personal
CrimelessRaver wrote:but it's all in good fun right?
as long as you feel your making an adult and eductaed decision, ti;'s you life homie, do what you please...
CrimelessRaver wrote:Besides I'm probably one of the nicest ppl I know
cops arrest nice people all day long...
CrimelessRaver wrote:so they'd have 2 bring me in on charges of PLUR overload!!!
is that a code name for public intoxication?


jus fuckin with you kiddo, glad you had fun at Ultra, until next year...
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Post by TheMatrixGirL »

ultra rocked!
thank goodness Rey Navarrow was back in the game this year.

I had an amazing time.. and the after hours kicked ass!
UNKLE LIVE and also.. the special treat, RONI SIZE w/ Rahzel mcin' over his set.. droppin some oldskool. threw down, SPIRITUAL AURA. it was like mesmorizing when i walked out and bumped into the outside, didn know where it was.. damn, fate.. !!

breaks stage rocked it.
the back beach tent rocked it.
the vip tent rocked it.
main stage.. always rocks.
SIGNAL Management
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