My paper on WMC/Ultra

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My paper on WMC/Ultra

Post by CrimelessRaver »

Here is a short, informal paper I wrote for class about WMC & Ultra. Enjoy.


LIT 3301-009

Nov. 3, 2005

Journal #10

There is an event in Miami that has taken place for 21 years, which is quite the paradox. It is an event that is relatively unknown to the mainstream, yet attracts thousands of visitors from around the world to Miami each year. This event is known as Winter Music Conference or simply WMC. This event which takes place every spring, usually in March has grown to become known as the largest networking event in the electronic and dance music industry. This event attracts thousands of the world’s leading producers, DJs, and other industry professionals, such as graphic artists, clothing developers, radio stations, and AV equipment developers. Some would argue that it attracts even more partiers and music enthusiasts. The conference itself is about a week long, and is made up of countless workshops, discussion boards, demonstrations (talent and equipment), awards ceremonies, etc. For aproximately 2 weeks, proceeding, during, and after the conference though there are countless parties, where DJs can showcase their talent. It didn’t start out this way though.

The first WMC in 1985 had only 90 attendees, but it grew in size every year, as did the culture. It soon became the event for industry people, at least in the U.S. and for a few in Europe. After all, Europe and the U.S. were closely linked in the early days sharing music and ideas back and forth. Unfortunately as the number of people grew every year, so did attention from the city and its police force. Many blamed WMC and its DJs and dancers for problems the city faced. Again and again the city tried to find ways to force out the "ravers" with out success. Finally the city began to realize the undeniable economic impact the event was having on the city. Tons of hotel rooms were being booked, restaurants and nightclubs were filled, people were filling parking lots, and beaches. Finally the city realized that this was a phenomenon that had grown beyond its control, and rather than focus their efforts on stopping the event, they began to focus on cashing in.

The largest electronic music festival in the United States grew up around WMC. Inspired by the number of people and level of talent that arrived in Miami each year, Russell Faibisch and Alex Omes decided to try something new. They started Ultra Music Festival in 1998 and it’s grown every year since then. The first two were held on the sands of Miami Beach, then the festival moved to Bayfront Park, because the size of the event grew exponentially each year. Finally, in 2004 Ultra 6 official kicked off the WMC. Signaling the first time the two events became officially linked. Because there have been some snags along the way the capacity of Ultra has been limited by the city to not exceed 60,000 people, a number which has been almost doubled in previous years.

This year will be WMC year 21, and Ultra year 8, and I’m happy to say that I will be there once again, paying homage to my favorite music, giving lots of money to the Miami, and trying my hardest to order lunch in a city where English is the second language.


Gluskin, Dawn. "Fourth Annual ULTRA Electronic Music Festival." Jive Magazine.

Posted March 24, 2002. Accessed Nov. 3, 2005.


This is an article from Jive Magazine about Ultra 4. It gives some history on the festival as well as partial line up for that year.

Cohen, Jessica. "Ultra Music Festival 2006, Teaser Flyer." Online Posting.

Posted Nov. 9, 2005. Accessed Nov. 9, 2005.


This is "teaser flyer" and press release for Ultra Fest. 8.


Remix. Feb. 5, 2004. Accessed Nov. 6, 2005.

< ... index.html>

This article talks about the teaming up of WMC and UMF for the 1st time.

Winter Music Conference. "Homepage." © 2005 Winter Music Conference.

Accessed Nov. 3, 2005. <>

This is the homepage of the official WMC website. Everything from history, to upcoming, etc.

"Winter Music Conference." Miami Herald. March 23, 2005. Accessed Nov. 3, 2005.

< ... 213397.htm>

This is a series of links to articles the Herald put out for WMC 2005. Links cover parties to attend, Ultra, schedules of events, etc.
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Post by CB4 »

wow, nicely written, good overview, good attention to the both events and moajor details, while not dragging along too much or going off on tangeants...

*contstructive* criticism

The last few sentences though are what for me at least turned it into more a school paper than an actual article you would read in a magazine or periodical of some sort, not sure if that was the intention, if it was then i guess your on the money...



oh yeah, CANNOT WAIT FOR WMC '06
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Post by CrimelessRaver »

Thanks! So far you're the only person who commented on this and I've posted it several places. I'm interested to know though, which last few sentences? If it was the sources bit, well yeah I had to do that as part of the assignment.
Do tell do tell, and if possible elaborate on your opinion.
I gladly take constructive criticism!
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Post by dr.strangelove »

i believe this is the one he was talking about:

This year will be WMC year 21, and Ultra year 8, and I’m happy to say that I will be there once again, paying homage to my favorite music, giving lots of money to the Miami, and trying my hardest to order lunch in a city where English is the second language.

It's very easy to want to put your self in a story but if the story is not about your experience then you could have ended it a bit difference. Either way I liked it. I wrote a paper many moons ago comparing Orbital to classical composers when I was in a lit class. Those college days were fun ;)
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Post by CrimelessRaver »

:) werd
Myles Hie
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Post by Myles Hie »

The first couple of years of the WMC was held in Fl Lauderdale not Miami.

You should have contacted WMC directly, they would have been more than happy to give you some in about the history of the convention.

Cool points have been awarded for wanting to write about the topic. though.

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Post by CrimelessRaver »

Well unfortunetly I didn't even come up with the idea for the paper until late the night b4 it was due or I would have. Ah yes....gotta love procrastination! (Doing it right now actually! LOL)
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